Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Valentine's Day Offers

Free shipping on all orders over $200 for Valentine's Day! Offer ends on the 14th of Feb (hopefully you wouldn't be shipping something for Valentine's on Valentine's Day anyway, I hope).

I think it's unfair to just remind everybody that Valentine's Day is looming close and offer no helpful ideas of any kind. So we at Sidestreet Boutique have put up a temporary section for Valentine's Day Gift Ideas full of jewelry, pajamas, and clothes we think are pretty fool proof.

I'd like to chip in an additional two cents though, and recommend ladies looking to gift something that involves maybe a little less clothes, a red crystal-embellished bra?
Valentine's Day Sale and Gift Ideas. Scarlett Johanssen rocks a red bra. Valentine Day gift ideas at sidestreet boutique. Red Bra embellished with crystals. Rock it like Kim Kardashian.
Whatever you choose, whether sexy or cute, have a great Valentine's Day :)

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